Schedule Your Assessment


Property Managers

Get $15 for Each Resident Who Completes a Savings Your Way Assessment.

Savings Your Way is a no-cost energy efficiency program, offering home energy assessments to help our New York City customers reduce their energy use. Participating customers also receive free energy-saving products to make their homes more comfortable and receive professional advice on how to save even more energy with exclusive rebates on natural gas heating and water-heating equipment.

Contact Us Now

Are You a Landlord or Property Manager?

You can receive $15 for each of your residents who completes a Savings Your Way assessment. Not only can these assessments reduce your residents’ natural gas use, increase their comfort and improve your property’s efficiency, but they can also put money back in your pocket.

The Process is Simple

  1. Contact the Savings Your Way program team by phone or email:
  2. Provide landlord's name, address, and contact information
  3. Provide the building address and the number of units at this address
  4. Notify your residents about the Savings Your Way program
    • The Savings Your Way team will provide you with promotional information/material
  5. As residents enroll and complete assessments, you will receive a $15 incentive for each individual resident who completes the assessment and post-assessment survey (there is no maximum limit)
    • Eligible residents must have active, individually metered gas accounts with National Grid
  6. Incentives are paid via electronic gift card and will be issued monthly, typically arriving 30 days after the resident completes the assessment
Old Brick Apartment Buildings in Manhattan

Contact Us Today to Get Started!

Phone: 833-427-7283 (SAVE)
